The Big G's Stomping Ground

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #1 Review

What kind of Godzilla themed blog would I have if I didn't review a Godzilla comic! For many Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters was a long time coming. And although it had come on the tail end of arguably the bleakest time for the nation of Japan. 

The issue opens up with some Japanese kids playing on the beach and one of them pretends he's a monster and crushes his sister's sandcastle. (EPIC FORESHADOWING) Then after the two argue a tail flops out of the water and in a scene most likely inspired by the classic 1962 Mothra vs Godzilla, the Big G himself busts out of the sand and goes off to do what he does best: destroying the landscape of Japan. The military tries to stop him but conventional weapons don't work. SO they try nukes...well they don't work ether. Instead it grants Godzilla his signature nuclear breathe ray. The Japanese respond with the very appropriate, "You Have to %$@#!ING Me!" Then Godzilla returns to his stomping grounds (see what I did there) and does what he really does best: destroying Tokyo.

The issues ends with a tired Obama learning about the situation and uttering, "You Have to %$@#!ING Me"

This issue is simple and so damn awesome!  The star is Godzilla and writers Eric Powell & Tracy Marsh understand this. Godzilla takes center stage and really that's all that we as Godzilla fans want. Human characters be dammed! Phil Hester's pencils are great and complement the writing exceptionally well.

All in all who am I to give Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #1 nothing short of 10Gs out of 10! This is a must read for any Godzilla fan.

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